Until July 16th you may vote for your favorite photo taken by the participants to the 3 edition of Green Schools. To vote, please click on your favorite photo name and then press Vote button at the bottom of the page. [totalpoll id=”13217″ fragment=”results”]

Third edition of Green School
Between 19th June – 24th June 2017, in Varshets, Bulgaria, was organized the third edition of Green School. At this Edition there were 20 participating groups of 5 pupils each and 1 teacher from Romania and Bulgaria. The pupils were aged between 10 and 12 years old. The participants were involved in educative activities about…

The sixth meeting of the project team in Craiova
Between 8th -9th of June 2017 took place the sixth team meeting of the project ” Green School Education as a Promotion of Sustainable Use of Cultural and Natural Heritage and Resources ” in Craiova, Royal Hotel. The purpose of the meeting was to review the activities occurred as well as establish the ones to come in order…

Announcement regarding the Third Edition of “Green school”
Between 19 of Junе and 24 of Junе 2017, in Varshets, Bulgaria, will be organized the third edition of Green School. There will take part 10 groups of 5 students and 1 coordinating teacher from each country, Romania and Bulgaria. The participating students must be up to 12 years aged. The participants will be involved…

The fifth meeting of the project team in Craiova
Between 27th -28th of April 2017 took place the fifth team meeting of the project ” Green School Education as a Promotion of Sustainable Use of Cultural and Natural Heritage and Resources ” in Craiova, Royal Hotel. The purpose of the meeting was to review the activities occurred as well as establish the ones to come in order…

A new Green School in Varsets
The first cours session of the project Green School Education was a real succes, acoording to the high demand of participants registered for the second Green School, which took place in Varshets between 27th of March and 1st of April 2017. Another 100 pupils and 20 teachers (romanians and bulgarians) participated at Green School in…

Announcement regarding the selection of the participants for the second edition of “Green school”
Calendar: 27th march – 1st april 2017 Location: Varshets, Bulgaria Participants: 10 groups of 5 children and 1 teacher. The pupils must be aged between 14 and 16 years Conditions that must be met by the children: – To have available Identity Card or valid passport , – To have a good school situation (constant class attendance,…

Announcement regarding the Second Edition of “Green school”
Between 27th of march and 1st of april 2017, in Varshets, Bulgaria, will be organized the second edition of Green School. There will take part 10 groups of 5 students and 1 coordinating teacher from each country, Romania and Bulgaria. The participating students must be aged between 14 and 16 years old. The participants will…

The fourth meeting of the project team in Craiova
Between 24th -25th of January 2017 took place the fourth team meeting of the project ” Green School Education as a Promotion of Sustainable Use of Cultural and Natural Heritage and Resources ” in Craiova, Royal Hotel. The purpose of the meeting was to review the activities occurred as well as establish the ones to come in order…

The first “Green School” in Varshet
The first training course session of “Green School Education ” ended successfully. The first 100 children ( both Romanians and Bulgarians) have participated at Green School that occurred in Varshets city from Montana region (Bulgaria). Between 28th November and 3rd December children and teachers from the two countries were informed about 10 natural and 10 cultural…